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Akredytacja NIBS

Strona www: www.pwsbijo.pl/
Dział: dla maturzysty, edukacja, Poznań, Studia

Poznańska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Języków Obcych otrzymała akredytację NIBS - Network of International Business Schools.

"Furthering education by uniting Business Schools around the world through shared ideals and resources"

The Network of International Business Schools (NIBS) is a group of business schools from around the world which believe that the internationalization of business and the globalization of the economy are essential elements in the evolution of managerial practices.

NIBS members believe that higher education and training must integrate a strong international dimension, including the practice of foreign languages, the study of comparative management techniques and the experience of working and studying abroad.

They also believe that cooperation between educational institutions in different countries contributes to a better understanding between nations by furthering awareness and knowledge of other cultures and social practices.

Members of NIBS recognize each others' qualifications, have a common goal of collaboration, and encourage participation in the following:

  • Student exchanges/interactions
  • Faculty exchanges/interactions
  • Exchanges of ideas for teaching programs
  • Joint teaching and research programs

Membership in NIBS entitles an institution to participate case competitions and conferences.

ostatnia zmiana: 2009-08-14
Polityka Prywatności